sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014



After having studied and understood Unit 1, complete this activity independently to understand the impact on students of sound and unsound assessment practices.

1.  Think of a time you yourself were assessed and it was a negative experience. What made it negative?

My experience with the assessment it´s plain I have either positive experiences as negative ones, the most recently negative experience was in an English course when the teacher ask the group to prepare an individual oral speech in 5 minutes to presented for the whole class, she gave us a topic and nothing else.
I prepare mi speech as the rest of my partners and I presented, when I finish the teacher begin giving me the feedback and the whole feedback was negative, but the bad experience for me was that the teacher negatively evaluated me with an evaluation criteria she had not told me therefore I was not prepare for that evaluation because I didn´t know the rules, for me that experience was unfair.

2.  Now think of a time you yourself were assessed and it was a positive experience. What made it positive?

The closest positive experience with assessment I have it in this master with the Final Project of Psycholinguistic, and was very positive for me because I did a very hard work and the grade was sensational, that make me think I understood the subject, and also that the teacher recognize my hardworking.

3.  Which of the five keys to assessment quality were involved in your negative experience? 

In my negative experience with the English teacher the first key to assessment quality involved was the STUDENT INVOLVEMENT, in my opinion this key is the most important because without a student involvement the process teaching/learning is incomplete, and I think this was the first Key my English teacher forgot.
“Share learning targets and standards of quality with students”

The second Key involved was EFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, I think that the feedback of a teacher shouldn´t be all negative because the student can become demoralized and abandon their efforts to improve rather than try harder.
“Offer effective feedback to students during the learning.”

And the last but not least was LEARNING TARGET maybe for the teacher the Target of that assessment was clear but for me “the student” was not.
“Translate learning targets into student-friendly language”

4.  Which of the five keys to assessment quality were involved in your positive experience? 

In my positive experience were involved all the five keys to assessment quality.
The first Key involved was CLEAR PURPOSE, in every moment the teacher told us what was the requirements and the purpose of the activity.
“Understand formative and summative assessment uses and know when to use them”.

The learning targets were very clear.

The SOUND DESING was involved also because we received in class at least two “tutorials” or doing this final work and the teacher uses an assessment item list to check if the job was complete.
“Write and / or select assessments items, tasks, scoring guides, and rubrics that meet standards of quality”.

The communication was effective and that create the Student was involved, we could demonstrate that with the individual presentation of the final assessment of Psycholinguistics to the whole class.
“Involve students in tracking, reflecting on, and sharing their own learning progress”.       

5.  What impact did each experience have on you?

The negative experience really have a strong impact on me because this year I have a personal situation that require support and help from all my teachers and I turned not to feel identified with that teacher, that makes me abandon the course earlier than it was thought and when I presented for the final exam after 3 months and I saw it will be the same teacher who will correct the exam I remember that I didn´t trust in her good performance as teacher and that makes me nervous about her correcting my exam.  

The positive experience impact me as well in a very strong way because it was the very first subject in the Master and because of that positive experience I get involved with the other subjects I continue having good and positive experiences and that is very enriching for my life as a student and as a professional.

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