miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014



 •  After having studied the Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, think about the extent to which each of the characteristics of effective feedback is part of your regular classroom practice. Complete this personal inventory. Then, discuss the results.

For this assess I am going to assign marks to the statement using a mark from 0 to 5 were 0 is the worst mark and 5 will be the best.

1.      I communicate learning targets in language they can understand as a regular part of the instruction: I have the best mark on this statement because in preschool you always have to communicate your students in a friendly language the learning targets, I always do this as part of the instruction at the circle time in the beginning of the classes or at the beginning of each unit it will depend on the objectives or targets I have.

2.      I use examples and models of strong and weak work to help students understand key elements of a quality response, product or performance: I mark this statement with a 3 because I think I did this with my students but not always and is normally most of the time using the model of strong work not the weak, with the little children you need to show a model of the product you want at the end in that way they will know what to do and what expectations you have, but I have to admit that I don’t like to use negative models (the weak work) with the little ones, maye is a mistake.

3.      I offer feedback that links directly to the intended learning pointing out strengths and offering information to guide improvement. Students receive this feedback during the learning process and have the opportunities to improve on each learning target before the graded event: I have a bad mark in this statement because my feedback to my students is very poor and I think they are not receiving it at the proper time in order to use it improving their learning process before the graded event.

4.      I design assignments so that students can self-assess, by identifying their own strengths and areas for further study in terms of the intended learning. The results of assignments and assessments function as effective feedback to students: In this statement I have the worse mark 0 because, I never use the self-assessment in preschool always believing the students are too small for it, maybe I have to try it now.

5.      I use assessment information to focus instruction on a day-to-day basis: I have good mark in this statement not the best 5 but almost the best 4 because I always try to use the assessment information to focus instruction, but it will depend not only in the needs or interests of my class also I have to follow the national curriculum and the school and level goals, that’s why some times not very much but some can´t use it.

6.      I teach students focused revision, revisions in pairs of anonymous samples: I don’t do this because I think my students are too small for this kind of assessment.


7.      I give students regular opportunities to track, reflect on, and share their achievement status and improvement: I don’t do this because I think my students are too small for this kind of assessment.

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