lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014



•  After having studied Unit 2B, work independently: –  Select a short unit that you are currently teaching or will teach this year. –  List the learning targets that will be the focus of the unit. –  Classify each target as Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, or Product. –  If you are unable to classify some targets as written, mark them with a question mark.

As I commented in latest posts I am not working right now so I am going to use for this task a Unit I did for another subject in this Master of Bilingualism.
The unit will be as “The pollution, causes and consequences, and the recycling as a way to improve the planet”.

The unit will be divided in three sessions of one hour and a half each one, in this sessions the students will make activities related to the unit and the teacher will supervise the assessments of this activities.
Also the teacher will work in a transdiciplinary way with the Spanish teacher, so the unit is going to have more than three sessions, some in English and some in Spanish.

The learning targets of this unit are:
·         Vocabulary: learn vocabulary related to the topic. SKILLS TARGET
·         Knowing and Understanding what the pollution is and it characteristics. KNOWLEDGE TARGET
·         Identify which are causes and the consequences of the pollution in the planet. REASONING TARGET
·         Analyse what we can do to improve or solve the pollution problems? REASONING TARGET
·         The recycling as a mean to reduce the pollution in the planet. REASONING TARGET
·         Use the oral communication skills asking and answering questions about the pollution. PRODUCT TARGET
·         Improve the reading skills, reading in groups and individually. PRODUCT TARGET

I think all this targets are very clear and do not need any clarification for the teacher to plan the instruction, but maybe we can clarify a little the reasoning target for this assessment task.
“Analyse what we can do to improve or solve the pollution problems?”
ü What knowledge will students need to know to be successful?

Students need to know the definition of pollution, causes and consequences.

ü What patterns of reasoning, if any, will students need to master to be successful?

Students need to know how make an analysis, and how to draw a conclusion.

ü What skills, if any will students need to master to be successful?

The students need to learn the vocabulary related to the topic and use it for the analysis.

ü What products, if any, will students need to practice creating to be successful?

The students need to have good reading and writing skills and also use the oral communication so they can analyse.

To conclude this task and reflecting on my knowledge I have to say once again that have clear targets is crucial for teachers and students because if the targets are not clear from the very beginning, the teaching and learning process will fail.

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